Utopia Brochure Assignment – Due Thursday, October 15th!
Congratulations you are now the leader of a new island (up to 100 square miles in surface area) anywhere in the world.

The United Nations will furnish your island with any equipment, infrastructure, institutions, etc. you choose (within reason) as your job is to advertise your Utopia in the form of a brochure to attract new citizens.

This brochure must include graphics that show your Utopian society. Think of a college brochure trying to get you to attend their University.

For this assignment you will at least need Microsoft Publisher. You can do this on another graphic design program such as Photoshop. We will go as a class one day to the library computer lab to use Microsoft Publisher. You need to have your information and many of your graphics on a flashdrive or in your personal email account BEFORE we go.

Click on the link that follows for specific instructions.
Brochure Considerations